HYROX is the fitness race for everybody. If you are at least 16 years old and want to take on the sporting challenge, you are welcome to HYROX! There are four different race formats to choose from, covering every fitness level. The race has no time limits and no qualification is required to participate. Did you know that our oldest participant is 77 years old and crossed the finish line with a smile on his face?

HYROX 是適合所有人的健身競賽。 如果您年滿 16 歲並想嘗試新的運動挑戰,歡迎您來到 HYROX! 有四種不同的比賽形式可供選擇,適合各個健身程度的人參加。 比賽沒有時間及資格限制。 我們年紀最大的參賽者已經 77 歲了,他面帶微笑衝過終點線完成比賽了呢!

HYROX includes a mix of eight 1km runs alternating with eight different workouts. The individual stations are: (1) SkiErg, (2) Sled Push, (3) Sled Pull, (4) Burpee Broad Jumps, (5) Rowing, (6) Farmers Carry, (7) Sandbag Lunges, and (8) Wall Balls.

The running course will lead around the workout stations. Depending on the location, athletes will run multiple laps to complete one kilometer. Both the running track and the individual workout stations are clearly separated from each other and the entrances and exits are clearly marked.

HYROX 的項目包含 8 個 1 公里跑步與 8 種不同訓練交替進行。 各個站點分別為:(1) 滑雪機、(2) 推雪橇、(3) 拉雪橇、(4) 波比蛙跳、(5) 划船機、(6) 農夫走路 (啞鈴)、(7) 沙袋弓箭步和 (8) 藥球。

跑步將在健身站的外圍進行。 根據地點的不同,運動員可能需要跑多圈才能完成一公里。 跑步路線和各健身站分開,出入口將會有大會標記指引。

Open – take on the standard HYROX for a challenging but achievable race for everyone.

Pro – for the experienced racer, heavier weights make for a more challenging experience.

Doubles – find a partner and take on the challenge as a pair, running together but splitting the workload of the exercises.

Relay – come together with your friends or family and race the relay where each member of the team does 2 times 1 km and 2 workouts.

個人公開賽 – HYROX 標準賽,進行一場具有挑戰性但可以完成的比賽。

個人菁英賽 – 對於經驗豐富的賽車手來說,較重的重量會帶來更具挑戰性的體驗。


接力賽 – 和朋友或家人一起參加接力賽,團隊中的每個成員都會進行 2 次 1 公里和 2 次訓練。

The divisions differ, apart from the number of athletes (single or team), in the weights and the number of repetitions of the movements in the individual workouts. The race course (8*1km) remains the same for each division. An overview of the requirements for each division can be found here.

除了參賽人數(單人或團體)之外,各組別的差異在於動作的重量和重複次數。 每個賽區的跑步項目(8*1公里)保持不變。 你可以透過此連結找到每個級別的規定。

Age group Singles

The age groups are determined by the age at the time of the event.

(1) U24 (16-24)
(2) 25 – 29
(3) 30 – 34
(4) 35 – 39
(5) 40 – 44
(6) 45 – 49
(7) 50 – 54
(8) 55 – 59
(9) 60 – 64
(10) 65 – 69
(11) 75 – 79
(12) 80 – 84
(13) 85 – 89

Age group Doubles

The division of the age groups is based on the average age of the two DOUBLES participants at the time of the event.

(1) U29 (16-29)
(2) 30-39
(3) 40-49
(4) 50-59
(5) 60-69
(6) 70+

Age group Relay

The classification of the age groups is based on the average average age of all team participants at the time of the event.

(1) U40
(2) 40+

年齡分組 個人


(1) U24 (16-24)
(2) 25 – 29
(3) 30 – 34
(4) 35 – 39
(5) 40 – 44
(6) 45 – 49
(7) 50 – 54
(8) 55 – 59
(9) 60 – 64
(10) 65 – 69
(11) 75 – 79
(12) 80 – 84
(13) 85 – 89

年齡分組 雙人組


(1) U29 (16-29)
(2) 30-39
(3) 40-49
(4) 50-59
(5) 60-69
(6) 70+

年齡分組 接力賽


(1) U40
(2) 40+

All participants wear a timing chip around their right ankle, which is handed out at check-in on event day. The race course, as well as all workouts, are linked with timing technology, so that precise timing is guaranteed for each individual athlete. The finisher time and the exact split times of the individual workouts can be used to analyze your own performance afterwards and there is the possibility to compare yourself with other athletes worldwide and thus prepare even more specifically for the next race. This link will direct you to the “Results and Rankings” overview, sorted by the HYROX Seasons. Via the “SEARCH” button you can easily search for your final race times by entering your name.

所有參賽者的右腳踝處都將佩戴計時晶片,晶片會在活動當天報到時發放。 跑步及所有的訓練站都與計時晶片相連,確保精準計算每位參賽者的各項目完成的時間。 個人訓練的完賽時間和準確的分段時間可用於分析個人表現,並且可與世界各地的其他運動員進行比較,以此為下一場比賽做準備。 此連結將引導您進入「結果和排名」,依照 HYROX 年度排序。 透過「搜尋」,您可以輸入你的姓名搜尋你的比賽成績。

That depends on your fitness level. The average finisher time last season was 01:32h. However, the race has no time limit: some finishers take 3 hours, while Hunter Mcintyre and Mikaela Norman hold the HYROX world record at 55 and 60 minutes respectively.

完成時間依照你的健身程度而有所不同。 上賽季的平均完賽時間為 01:32。 然而,比賽沒有時間限制:有些選手需要 3 個小時才能完賽,而世界級的選手如 Hunter Mcintyre 和 Mikaela Norman 則分別以 55 分鐘和 60 分鐘的成績保持著 HYROX 世界紀錄。

HYROX is growing rapidly around the world and new countries and cities are constantly being added to the calendar. HYROX is normally organized in large indoor expo venues to make sure we can host as many athletes as possible. With over 12.000m2 of fitness, HYROX would cover 3 soccer pitches!

HYROX 在全世界迅速發展,我們不斷在新的國家和城市舉行比賽。 HYROX 通常在大型室內體育場館舉辦,以確保我們能夠讓更多的運動員參與。 HYROX 的佔地面積超過 12,000 平方米,可以覆蓋 3 個足球場!

HYROX is an official sport with global rankings and results. Please click on the links below to view the competition rulebooks for the different divisions.

HYROX Rulebooks
As HYROX is a race for Every Body, we have tried to make the exercises as
accessible as possible, so although there are basic movement standards, it
should be easily executed

HYROX 是一項具有官方全球排名和結果的運動。請點擊下面的鏈接查看不同比賽組別的規則手冊。

HYROX 規則手冊
HYROX 是一項適合每個人的比賽,每個項目雖然有基本的體能要求,但人人都可以做到。

At each event, Head Judges share responsibility for the 8 workout stations and the running course, ensuring that the event runs smoothly and that competition standards are maintained. They are supported by a large pool of judges who keep a close eye on the action at all times.

每場比賽,將有多位裁判一起負責 8 個訓練站和跑步,確保賽事順利進行並維持比賽標準。 參賽者們的動作將由裁判們一同把關。

Sportograf will be on-site to capture all the epic moments from the race. The Sportograf add on gets you high resolution photos for you to commemorate your triumphant race finish!

Click here for more information about purchasing your Sportograf package.

Sportograf 將在賽事現場位參賽者留下執得紀念的時刻。 Sportograf 亦提供高解析度照片,以紀錄你的完賽過程!

點選此處了解有關購買 Sportograf 套餐的更多資訊.

Add “Race with a Friend” to your shopping cart when you place your order if you want to make sure you start with friends or family members at the same time (that means in the same starting wave). Whether it’s a head-to-head race or emotional support – Race with a Friend makes it possible! Important: You can start together with another athlete in the same starting wave, as long as you register for the same SINGLE division (not cross-gender). Only one participant has to pay the additional fee.

Click here for more information.

如果你想與朋友或家人同時開始(即在同一個時間比賽),請在報名時勾選「與朋友比賽」。 無論是一起比賽還是在一旁支持加油——都可以和朋友「一起」比賽! 重要提示:只要你報名參加同一種類型比賽(需同性別),你就可以與同一時間開始的另一名參賽者一起出發。 只有一名參賽者需要支付額外費用。


Spectators are welcome, because there is nothing better than starting in front of friends or family, right? The spectator area has been designed so your support can be close to you at almost every workout. Spectator tickets can be purchased online on the event page of the HYROX website or on site on event day (Only card payment will be accepted).

Free Standard Admission is granted for children aged 12 and below, elderly aged 65 and above and persons with disabilities.

我們非常歡迎觀眾一起入場,因為沒有比在朋友或家人的加油聲面前比賽更好了! 我們的觀眾區經過精心設計,幾乎每一個訓練站你的加油團都可以在周圍。 觀眾門票可以在 HYROX 網站的活動頁面線上購買,也可以在活動當天現場購買(僅接受刷卡付款)。


Online registration for athletes closes on the Wednesday before event day at 6pm or may close earlier if sold out. It MAY be possible to register as an athlete on-site. However, we cannot guarantee that there will still be space in the desired division. Please register early to avoid disappointment. Only card payment will be accepted. Late entry prices apply.

The online spectator registration will remain open until the event day and will be available for on-site purchase. Only card payment will be accepted. Free Standard Admission is granted for children aged 12 and below, elderly aged 65 and above and persons with disabilities.

參賽者售票在活動當週的星期三下午6點結束,如果名額提早售罄則提早關閉。 我們不能保證活動當天現場仍有名額,請儘早報名。僅接受信用卡付款。

觀眾購票將開放至賽事當天,並可在於現場購買。 僅接受信用卡付款。 12歲及以下兒童、65歲以上長者及殘障人士可免費入場。

Each division has their own starting time slots. You will be able to check your start time here from the Wednesday before race day. It is recommended that you arrive at least 90 minutes before your start time in order to allow enough time to register and warm up.

每個級別都有自己的開始時時間。 於比賽日的當週週三起,您可以在此處瀏覽你的出發時間。 建議在比賽開始時間前至少 90 分鐘抵達,以便有足夠的時間進行報到和熱身。

It is recommended that you arrive at least 90 minutes before your start time in order to allow enough time to register and warm up.

Have your e-ticket (barcode) on your cell phone (or printed out) ready for check-in. We will scan the code(s) and you will receive your timing chip. Please attach the transponder (timing chip) to your right ankle. Take care of it, if you lose the chip we will have to charge you for the loss. You MUST return the chip at the finish area after your race. You will also receive a race wristband. Please wear it during the race so that the judges can assign you the correct weights.

建議你在開始時間前至少 90 分鐘抵達,以便有足夠的時間進行報到和熱身。

準備好手機上的電子票卷(條碼)(或列印出來)以供辦理報到手續。 我們將掃描代碼,你將收到計時晶片。 請將計時晶片綁在你的右腳踝並請妥善保管。如果你遺失了晶片,我們將向你收取損失費用。 比賽結束後,您必須在終點處歸還晶片。 你同時會收到一條比賽腕帶。 請在比賽期間佩戴它,以便評審為你分配正確的重量。

No there will not be an athlete briefing on race day.

The Technical Briefings for the Single and Doubles and Relay Divisions will be uploaded on our Youtube Channel. This technical briefing explains the rules of the race and is mandatory for all athletes. So please watch it carefully before the race.


個人、雙人組和接力賽組的賽前說明將上傳到我們的 YouTube 頻道。 這份賽前說明影片將解釋比賽規則,對所有運動員都是強制性的。請於賽前仔細閱讀。

There will be a hydration station on the race course as well as in the recovery area at the finish. For safety reasons, please do not take any private beverage containers onto the track.


For each division there will be an age group winner’s ceremony for 1st-3rd place on the podium with a winner’s flag. Each HYROX finisher will receive a finisher patch at the finish line. Neither flags nor patches will be sent by post after the event.

每個級別都會舉行各年齡組的頒獎儀式,頒發旗幟給第一名至第三名。 每個成功完賽 HYROX 的參賽者都會在終點收到一個完賽勳章。 活動結束後,旗幟和勳章都不會透過郵寄方式發送。

HYROX is accessible for everyone. Send our customer service team an email at info@hyroxhk.com and together we will work out how we can adapt the race for you. Your score will be marked online to indicate that you have deviated from the current movement standards.


If you’re training at home, follow us on Instagram @HYROXHK to get all the insider training tips and tricks from us and some of our HYROX athletes from around the globe.

If you’re looking for somewhere to train, find a HYROX Gym Partner near you here.


At each race, the top finishers in certain age groups will qualify for the World Championships, the ultimate HYROX showdown at the end of each HYROX Season. Qualification slots are given in proportion to the number of athletes taking part. The exact number will always be published the week of the race via our official social media channels for the respective event. If you have qualified for the World Championships, you will be sent a ticket invitation via the email you used to sign up. All qualified athletes will have 48 hours to claim their tickets. A starting place at the World Championships has, like the normal events, a ticket fee. A World Championships ticket is excluded from the regulations on rebooking. Any unclaimed tickets will be rolled down to the next athlete in line.After the 48h deadline, the second qualification round will start. This means that qualifying places that are not claimed will be given to the next athlete in the backlog procedure. The 48-hour deadline also applies here. If a spot is not claimed within the deadline, the starting place for the respective person will be forfeited.

Important: Please note that tickets are sent to each qualified athlete. In doubles, both athletes need to claim their ticket within the 48-hour window to secure their spot.

Note: There are no qualification spots for the HYROX Relay.


在每場比賽中,個別年齡組的前幾名將獲得參加世界錦標賽的資格,這是每個 HYROX 賽季結束時的最終 HYROX 決賽。

參賽資格的分配與參賽運動員的數量成正比。確切的數字將會在比賽當週透過相應賽事的官方社群媒體公佈。如果你獲得了世界錦標賽的參賽資格,我們將透過你註冊時使用的電子郵件信箱向你發送門票邀請。所有獲得參賽資格的運動員有 48 小時的時間決定是否領取門票。seungying

與一般 HYROX 賽事一樣,世錦賽的參與也需要門票費。世錦賽門票不受改期規定限制。任何未被領取的門票將轉給下一位運動員。這意味著未被認領的參賽資格將被給予到接續的下一位運動員。 48 小時的期限也適用於此。如果在截止日期之前沒有認領席位,則相應人員的參加資格將被取消。

重要提示:請注意,門票將發送給每位合格的運動員。在雙人組比賽中,兩名運動員都需要在 48 小時內領取門票以確保自己的參賽資格。

注意:HYROX 4 人接力賽沒有資格賽名額。

The Physical Fitness Test gives you an indication of your fitness level and an assessment of which division is suitable for you. Please note that there are no time limits for the HYROX Race and you can register for any division without qualifying. The P’F “T is only intended to help you decide which division to choose. The test is held in hundreds of gyms each season and consists of this workout:

1000m run (outdoors or on a treadmill at 2% incline).
50 Burpee Broad Jumps
100 Lunges
1000m Row
30 Hand Release Push Ups
100 Wallballs (6 kg men / 4 kg women)

There is even a separate P’F”T ranking for global benchmarking! Find your P’F”T here!

體能測驗可讓你了解你的體能水準並評估哪個級別適合你。 請注意,HYROX 競賽沒有時間限制,你可以報名參加任何級別,並不需要取得資格。 P’F’T 只是為了幫助你決定選擇哪一個級別。 這個測試每個賽季在數百家健身房舉行,包括以下測試內容:

1000m 跑步(戶外或在跑步機上以 2% 的坡度)。
50 次波比跳遠
100 次弓箭步
1000m 划船機
30 個伏地挺身
100 個藥球(男子 6 公斤/女子 4 公斤)

單獨的 P’F”T 全球排名!此處找到你的 P’F‘T 體能測試!

If you still haven’t found the answer to your question, check out our full FAQ HERE


Transfer / Rebooking Requests

You want to change or correct your booking or can’t find your ticket anymore?

Please contact the support of our new ticketing portal via the following link: https://hk.hyrox.com/support

Other Requests

If you have any other general questions, please contact our local customer service team at info@hyroxhk.com.




